Saturday, August 31, 2019

Ilm M3.01 Solving Problems and Making Decisions

ILM management Course Shaun Barratt Work based assignment:M3. 01 Problem Solving The Joint Service for Disabled Children is a partnership developed by Enfield’s Children’s trust. It comprises specialist, inclusive, voluntary, health and education services to support and promote opportunities for all disabled children and their families in Enfield. The service is open to any disabled children and young people who have significant global delay, autism or life threatening conditions under the age of 18. In my role as inclusion development manager I am responsible for enabling disabled children and young people to access mainstream activities of their choice within the borough. I provide the resources, staff and training for any universal activity to support identified disabled children. This ensures that all disabled children and their families are supported to take part in and enjoy local community life, whenever possible using local childcare facilities, leisure and recreational activities. I am also part of the management team tasked with generating new ideas to improve the lives of disabled children and their families. It is this role that we were presented with the following problem – Significant numbers of parents have presented to the service requesting over night respite (essentially a night away for their child at a recognised respite provider). The cost of over night short breaks (respite) is highly significant in the services overall budget, far in excess of any other service we provide, and even a small increase would put a huge strain on resources. Far more cost effective is to build support mechanisms around the child and family in their own homes. This is done by building packages of support which provide short breaks but without the huge cost of outside provider overnights. So in order to understand this issue more we firstly needed to ascertain what it was about the overnight breaks which were so appealing and see if we could find another possible solution. We decided to utilise our parent’s forum to generate ideas. Understandably this generated a wide array of reasons for why parents valued over nights so highly, however there were significant threads and themes which consistently appeared and by far the most significant was that a high proportion of parents identified the need for a full night sleep, something they are unable to achieve due to being disturbed by their disabled child. In addition when asked about factors which significantly affect their quality of life sleep deprivation was one of the most significant factors right across the spectrum of need and demographic. There is a wealth of evidence to support the notion that sleep problems are far higher in the disabled population than in mainstream families (Pahl and Quine 2004) The service holds an away day twice a year and part of the session was given to a brain storming session around the issue of sleep problems and what we as a service should do to address them. By involving the team in this process this will ensure that any ideas generated will have team ownership. A number of ideas were put forward, but by consensus there were four areas which were felt were appropriate responses to the issue of demand for increase in over night provision. [pic] The first option was for the team to think more laterally in terms of what we offer to parents. This could be done by identifying key areas in the day that parents were struggling with and identify additional support during these times. This could be around bed times and waking times etc. nd in turn offering parents more support to recharge batteries through offering additional short breaks (a short break is an activity such as playschemes or after school groups etc). Another solution would be to analyse what the service is spending in other areas and cut other budgets significantly to fund additional overnights and in a similar vein to task the team with finding more cost effective over night breaks by opening up to tender to find possible other cheaper providers. The final and most popular idea was to offer some form of sleep counselling to enable parents to gain back control of this part of their lives through behaviour management and support to change their child’s sleep habits. A simple decision making grids illustrates how this might meet the main areas of need as identified by the parents. Decision making model Criteria |Offer more diverse |Sleep intervention |Offer increased over |Find cheaper over night | | |respite |program |night respite |options | |Cost |( |( | |( | |effective | | | | | |Parental approval |( |( |( | | |Long term sustainability| |( | | | |Improved sleep | |( |( |( | |opportunities in short | | | | | |term | | | | | |Improved sleep in the | |( | | | |long term | | | | | Intuitively the sleep intervention program is an appropriate response as it directly responds to the parents need for their sleep deprivation to be addressed. It’s more sustainable than the others and it’s focussed on the area identified and not just fire fighting and therefore a potentially proactive way of working which is easier for staff to identify with. It’s cost effective with just the initial outlay and staff counselling time. Its solution focussed with clear parameters on intervention times. Parents will hopefully support something which gives them a long term solution to their problem and not just a short term solution which is offered by overnights. A potential sleep programme training course was identified which would involve five members of staff being identified to be trained to become sleep counsellors. They would work directly with the parents and enable the arents to change bedtime routines and behaviours in order to improve sleep patterns in the child. Before presenting to the joint service steering group we carried out an SWOT analysis to anticipate issues which may be raised in the presentation. SWO T analysis of sleep program Please see appendix (1) The use of a SWOT analysis provides a methodical and honest assessment of our services strengths and weaknesses for carrying out a defined sleep program. It will also expose threats which may pose a threat to its sustainability and opportunities afforded by the process. The objective of the analysis is to ascertain whether the sleep program is a viable affordable, sustainable response to the need for a sleep intervention process. Strengths in more detail The major strength of the programme when functioning to its potential is its affordability and sustainability. Even a minor reduction in over night’s expenditure will see the program more than pay for itself. The initial outlay of training could be offset against respite savings. The difficulty is that preventative work is difficult to quantify and illustrate as it hasn’t happened, but a reduction in the number of looked after children may be used as a key indicator. The program clearly tackles the root cause of the presenting problem; whereas overnights give short term relief to parents the sleep problem itself is still there in the future. There is plenty of evidence to suggest that improved sleep is positively correlated with improved cognitive performance (The national Sleep Foundation 2004) This would also have significant impact on incidences of challenging behaviours, reducing it dramatically (Green et al 2010) and better quality of life indexes for parents of disabled children (Prosper, Mard and Beecham 2011), both of which could act as markers for the success of the program. The practical applications of a sleep program can be applied to other complimentary areas of work (Sleep Scotland 2001) such as home care and other counselling conditions. Weaknesses in more detail Identification of our weaknesses needed to be done as constructively as possible with no blame or finger pointing, however several key points emerged The first is can the staff hours be found to sustain a sleep program? How can we illustrate that time spent in the program will in the long term reduce hours in other areas. Have the current staff gr oup the necessary communication skills to make effective counsellors? As the sleep service grows there will become a need for additional staff time, resources as well as someone to coordinate the service administer the service and manage the new counsellors. A fundamental question is it possible for the recruitment process to reflect the need for new workers to potentially add to the service. Marketing and branding are also time consuming as the service grows. All these growth factors had to be factored in to produce a long term picture Opportunities in more depth There are opportunities to offer the counselling service to outside agencies with a cost attached. There is no other comparable service within the borough so this is a viable option. This could help in sustaining the service or even to expand it. The publicity afforded of a proactive response to significant and widespread sleep problems, identified by the parents of Enfield themselves, will help put the service in a positive light. This in turn will help our cause when decisions on future cuts are made. This is in turn compliments the move politically for parents to have more control over their lives. Pro active approaches are also always easier to â€Å"sell† to staff by addressing the cause rather than fire fighting the effects. In its favour additional funding streams are available to those ideas generated and supported by parents and children. More effective use of money and resources will also appeal to stakeholders. The positive outcomes of a sleep program such as improved concentration of children resulting in a reduction of incidences of challenging behaviour, and increased educational achievement is going to appeal to a number of partners, which may influence them to invest. Finally and most importantly, an effective service will put less pressure on other related services resulting in economies for the stakeholders Threats in more depth The current economic climate is going to have a huge bearing on the success or otherwise of the project. Given this there is a danger that parents may interpret this as a cost cutting measure around over nights. Parents may still need overnights despite intervention making it a costly additional service. Research needs to be carried to ensure their isn’t a larger service such as MENCAP that can deliver the sleep service more economically. Does the political economic downturn means that projects which offer projected savings are less attractive than short term cuts to services? In order for the service to grow future training opportunities are essential, is this going to be viable when it’s acknowledged that the first budgets to be reduced are training budgets. Are the funding streams used currently likely to remain as further cuts are deemed necessary? Will the outlay of intense training be viable if staff retention is problematic? Could collaborative efforts for example coordinating approaches with medical interventions i. e. use of melatonin in conjunction with psychological interventions be more cost effective? Inter agency working is essential for the sleep program to succeed, is the communication system robust enough for multi agency support? Will cuts mean only front line services that are statutory in nature be preferred over seemingly peripheral services such as a sleep counselling service? Will elements of the service be put out to tender and is this likely to be picked up in this? Given the threats outlined by the swot analysis it is clear that in order to present a convincing case to our steering group it is necessary to present an outline and costing for how the service might develop. The main objective would be could we illustrate the effectiveness of the sleep program as an intervention? Could we illustrate parental satisfactions as a response to sleep issues? Therefore we identified a diverse number of partners to carry out a pilot project. With it being multi agency the strain on any one service could be portrayed as manageable. The SWOT analysis illustrated that there are major potential benefits to partner agencies so there involvement and investment was essential. We would carry out analysis of the success or otherwise of a sleep clinic with a small number of parents from diverse backgrounds. They would be asked to fill in a number of satisfaction questionnaires prior to and after the intervention. Feedback on behavioural changes from a previously obtained baseline would be obtained from partner agencies involved ie schools. We would need to highlight circumstances when the intervention could have most benefit i. e. care plans in child protection cases, complex issue children or families in other types of crisis. All of these will have great appeal to senior management teams. After the pilot parents and senior management would be invited to a presentation of the results. An exercise would be given to the parents whereby they become budget holders. They would be â€Å"given† the money that they are entitled to for their children. They would then be given the costs of all services available to them. By this means parents will be able to see for themselves the cost effectiveness of the intervention and the huge costs of over night respite. They would be empowered to know how they could have a substantial package of support around them for the cost of very few overnights. The issue of sleep programs would be shown to be a very cost effective tool in obtain a good nights sleep. Finally the sleep clinic team would present to all partner agency staff. Cascading of skills would be essential and appeals for constructive critisism of the scheme could be made. Essentially there has to be a selling process and ownership of the service throughout the joint service. If it is then a viable option we would meet with managers to move the project forward!!! Appendix 1 |Strengths |weaknesses | |(i) Affordability and sustainability |(i) Is there sufficient availability of staff to undertake the | |(ii) Tackles root cause of presenting problem |training | |(iii) Cognitive improvements as a result of better quality |(ii) Staff skilled enough to communicate at the highest level |sleep |in order to make venture successful | |(iv) Improved Staff skills set |(iii) Who has time to coordinate project? | |(v) cascading of skills will appeal to budget holders |(iv) Therapeutic change can be time consuming | |(vi) reduction in aggressive incidences which are as a direct |(v) Does recruitment reflect the need for these particular | |result of sleep deprivation |skills? | |(vii) additional resource to offer families in crisis child |(vi) Who is going to marke t and brand the service? |protection etc |(vii) Need for administrator and stats holder | |(viii) a new approach to empowering parents to enable them to | | |take control of their own lives | | |opportunities |Threats | |(i) Outsourcing counselling service to other agencies if proved|(i) Parents may interpret this as a cost cutting measure around| |successful |over nights | |(ii) Response to significant and widespread sleep problems |(ii) Parents may still need overnights despite intervention | |identified by the parents of Enfield themselves |making it costly additional service | |(iii) Above (ii) compliments the move politically for parents |(iii) Could a larger organisation undercut the sleep service? |to have more control over their lives |(iv) political economic downturn means | |(iv) addressing the cause rather than fire fighting the effects|(1) long term savings options less attractive than short term | |(v) Additional funding streams are available to those ideas |cuts | |generated and supported by parents and children |(2) Training budgets are the first to be cut when money is | |(vi) More effective of money and resources will appeal to |tight – threat to future growth | |stakeholders |(3) Service once offered will need to grow to meet need is this| |Improved concentration of children and young people resulting |viable? |in a reduction of incidences of challenging behaviour, and |(4) Are there more cost effective services already in existence| |increased educational achievement |that that Enfield could tap into instead | |An effective service will put less pressure on other related | | |services | | ———————– Need for more overnights and better quality of sleep Increase in overnights by moving other budgets Offer diverse options to support parents in coping Support parents in managing their sleep Seek out cheaper respite units

Friday, August 30, 2019

Galapagos Island Case Essay

Introduction Geographical   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The geographical mapping of Galapagos Island is able to support both aquatic life and terrestrial life due to its adverse favorable climatic conditions. This is because this island lies in the Pacific Ocean about 999   Ã‚  km from the South American coast and straddling the Equator. Due to this smart geographical condition, there is abundant biodiversity of both flora and fauna. Galapagos Island is one of 13 islands that is currently inhabited, with a total population of 30,000 people. According to the latest survey, the Galapagos Marine Reserve occupies roughly 139,000 square kilometers. This large natural habitat can support huge mass of living creatures if protection measures are put in place to safe the endangered species. The island was recognized as world heritage site due to abundant living things that are not easily found elsewhere, but only exist in this prestigious island. Galapagos Island   Biodiversity     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This island is blessed with abundant biodiversity, which enables it to have its natural heritage. Galapagos has specific niche to many unique, endemic animals. Naturally, some of these animals are fearless due to lack of natural enemies. This is a usual case for some of marine life. The only enemy is man due to his agribusiness activities and his new technologies concerning marine science, fishing and tourism. For example, the giant tortoise has gradually evolved into several distinct forms on the different islands of the archipelago. The reason being, these tortoise have no natural predators except man during the 17th and 18th centuries when buccaneers and pirates used the islands as a staging post. This is the only time when these tortoises were being used as delicacies. The Galapagos Island has several species of reptiles. They include, the marine iguana, which is a herbivore that grazes on seaweed, land iguanas, lizards, geckos, lava and snakes. Some of the native terrestrial mammals include rats that prefer grassy areas or wheat and rice plantation and two species of bat. Other common creatures are finches. There are several species of finches. Some are small brownish, soil like finches that are adapted to a range of different foods. These are known as Darwin’s finches. The name was coined after the father of evolution sir Charles Darwin because they have been important to scientists trying to study how evolution occurs this is because of different beak types. They include the tool-using woodpecker finch. Other endemic terrestrial birds include hawk, flycatcher, rail and other species of mocking birds. All these birds have specific characters that feature in them and are the only birds found in Galapagos.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Among the endemic aquatic birds are a flightless cormorant, two species of gull, and one penguin species that live in tropical waters. Going on, Sea lions and fur seals occur along the coasts, while dolphins, whales and sea turtles are also common. Other species of fish are found along the seashores. Several species of insects, cryoptera, spiders, mites, slugs, land snails, seashells, starfishes and urchins, crabs, and many other smaller invertebrates occur.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Beside different kinds of animals, the island supports different types of fauna. The plants of   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Galapagos are equally fascinating and attractive. In the highlands, there occur many species of endemic Scalesia tree that is characterized by having daisies, as well as tree ferns, bromeliads and orchids. Along the coasts are mangrove forest and huge prickly pear and candelabra cacti. The Brachycereus cacti are adapted to less fertile lava flows. The lava flow is a remnant of volcanic activities that erupted in the past . Note that Galapagos Island is a product of those volcanic activities. The shores can support many vivid morning glories and mats of bright red sesuvium. Galapagos also has its very own, endemic species of cotton, tomato, pepper, guava and passionflower that are not exotic. Kinds of plants, especially those belonging to the daisy phylum, have gradually evolved on the different niche in this island into whole arrays of endemic species. This again provides bio-conservationist with classic examples of adaptive speciation. Biodiversity threats.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Currently, the Galapagos Islands are among the best nation parks with tropical archipelago in the world. Despite being rich in its pristine nature, it faces challenges and extinction threats to the only unique type of biodiversity in the island. Actually foreign species sneaked in by naughty ship workers, pirates and other evil-minded foreigners are some of human intrusions that adversely pose a major threat to native terrestrial biodiversity. Another factor is spilling of oils in the seawater and during mosquitos’ control. Several myriad of invasive plants and animals vectored in by man’s day to days operations, inhabit the island adding more competition in the food chain. . Some of these foreign plants include food crops like quinine, guava and blackberry. In the operation process, harmful weeds and parasitic plants are introduced in new territories of this Island.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Animals in this category of invasive species include both domesticated and wild, for example, goats, Netherlands pigs, Asian dogs, cats, rats and fire ants. Some of introduced species in Galapagos Island include rodents like the black rat, Norwegian rat and house hold mouse. These rodents are disastrous as they feed on the native wildlife of the islands, including plants, seeds, bird’s eggs and chicks, reptile’s eggs and young ones. This way the rodents threaten the fragile ecosystem of the islands and are responsible for extinctions on islands biodiversity worldwide. The rodents also pose a great risk to human health by spreading zoonotic infections.[1]   Beside that, rodents are agricultural and household pests. They are vectors to fleas, worms and other protozoan. It is known that some nematodes that affect rats can invade other small animals and plants through evolution. [2]   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Some species, such as the mangrove habitat birds like finch species such as C. heliobates, the Galapagos petrel and the flightless cormorant are endangered somehow due to reduced populations caused by fluctuating reproductive system. Much tourism during breeding seasons increases animal stress and disturbance. This interferes with reproductive systems. Other endemic birds in the island are the tree finches such as Certhidea olivacea and Camarhynchus psittacula.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Galapagos birds are already under threat from invasive rodents. The interference from both natural effects and human activities is a threat to Galapagos penguin and other aquatic bird species From a case study, it was observed that, 22 to 23.5 percent of the endemic plant species and 48.9 to 51 percent of the vertebrate species are considered endangered. Some of these problems have existed for more than a century due to negligence and ignorance by the government and other environmentalists.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Global warming which is a feature of human adverse pollution to the environment has endangered marine life. Snow and ice melting is a threat to some of marine creatures. Another threat to the biodiversity is that, Galapagos is undergoing an enormous cycle of economic and population growth that is accelerated by external markets and competition. External pressures are accompanied by increased threats to native biodiversity that drag be hide conservation efforts. Some of these threats as stated are the arrival of invasive species, over-harvesting of marine resources, for example, almost more than 90 million sharks are killed a year, mainly for their fins. They are fetched from the sea purposely for their fins and not the flesh. This barbaric altitude can wipe sharks in the near future if pouching will not stop. When sharks become wiped, tourism industry would be greatly affected making the economy of Galapagos to dwindle. Lastly, more frequent pollution events like agribusiness activities interfere with biota.   Agricultural farming involves use of several chemicals that interfere with the marine life. This mostly occurs when these chemicals find their way into the sea either by drainage or through silting.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Indirectly, enormous demand growths on the biodiversity of the islands are due to the international tourism industry and aquatic or marine resources. These are some of global factors driving business growth in Galapagos. This huge developments act as catalysts for the growth of the Galapagos human population. This has consequently, resulted to the needs for greater local access to basic natural resources and public services to catch up with the increasing human population and competition; this creates new social and political stresses in the islands. Poor distribution of resources and income from the protected areas discourages self-motive for conservation. Internal conflicts due to external market impact do not address conservation of biodiversity. Lack of awareness on importance of conservation biology in the Island, and non-instrumental professionals lead to failures to re-address the issue of endangering the species.   Conservation   methods and the needs to protecting the biodiversity.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   After describing most of endangered species in this island, it is good to focus on and advocate scientific Conservation methods of both flora and fauna. Preservation of the endangered species and the environment is a complex process that requires strong machinery force. Therefore, without government and non-government back-up, this project cannot succeed. Proper programs need to be set up to outsource services and other strategic means, including funding to enhance successive conservation. In Galapagos Island, several foundations currently help to fund this project. Nevertheless, the funding is not enough to meet all the necessary measures. For example, the Galapagos Conservation project, Charles Darwin Foundation, The Galapagos Conservatory etc cannot meet these challenges without aid from donor funds. This is because to educate the whole nation about the importance of conservation, and other necessary measures is a big issue that requires donor’s aid. Actually, you should propose on external exhibitions on the needs to conserve the biodiversity, another suggestion is experienced experts need to be produced, proper fishing items that cannot fish on small or immature fishes are supposed to be bought, some motor boats should be available   to control and survey fishing mechanism of both legitimate and illegitimate fishermen. Propose on preservative fringes and other necessary items bearing in mind that some items are expensive for the local people.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     The government should implement measures to curtail behaviors that can lead to eradication of endangered species. These measures should include controlling pouching, smuggling, pirating and illegal immigration. In this case, Patrolling water navy and vigilante groups should be brought up in order to mitigate fishing of sharks. The use of this system for monitoring fishing vessels would enhance trapping the vessels that carry out these highly destructive fishing practices and thus provide evidence to the port police authorities so that the illegal fishing activities may be stopped. This process can only succeed with the help of local anglers of the islands and our long efforts to promote sustainable fishing practices, to limit the use of destructive fishing techniques.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Boundaries need to be restricted and observed to avoid importation of foreign organisms. This should be a foundation to remove corrupt inhabitants off the islands. People should be educated through civic education that incorporates biological and social sciences to create awareness on conservation biology. Farming methods that protect the environment should be implemented e.g. restrict any use of harmful farming methods.   Institution of higher learning should be set up to offer degree courses on conservation biology. This is because local young Ecuadorian conservationists do not have the necessary qualifications to move forward in their careers. Galapagos scientists need to be empowered with doctors of philosophy to rise to the positions of future responsibility. Surprisingly, the Charles Darwin Foundation comprises foreign scientists such as American or European as the most learned barons who cannot dedicate their service fully. The government through its own funding or by donors fund should focus on establishing environmental exhibition and communication activities. This is a valid proposal to create awareness and to inspire stewardship on Island farming and cultural behaviors that can enhance conservation. Some of the undertakings that the government should do is protecting the national parks and resorts. Furthermore, conservationist and other well-wishers have supported by saving giant tortoise from extinction. They should focus on methods of interval counting of the endangered species and reduction of their predators.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The national Park Service and the Ecuadorian government are reforming a bit of clauses that safeguard wildlife. Restrictions are imposed against the residents of the islands in the form of pouching restrictions. This include, restrict fishing within certain miles of the shores and out of the swimming patterns of the endangered species in the islands. It is also illegal on the island to hunt any terrestrial animals and the offence is jail term and revocation of the citizenship on the island. These are among the tough measures that ministry of wild life in conjunction with the environmentalist are imposing to conserve the endangered species. You should pressurize on review of important sections in the country constitution that safeguard the wild life. Some nuisance pests need to be eradicated for example, rats, parasitic weeds and plants, since some fish such as sharks suffer from animal stress due to tourism visitors. These areas have been classified as non-go zones, which mean that the number of motor boats and visitors in the water can be regulated. However, many areas have still to be restricted. People should be sensitized on zonotic infections caused by some of these foreign organisms. Funding to help identification of breeding zones for sharks and the monitoring of population increase in coastal areas are important areas of research that can aid in conservation. Breeding and nestling parameters, which are essential for shark conservation, are not yet understood. In case of preserving sharks that attract a lot of tourism, conservation funds would assist in monitoring and identifying sharks movements and breeding patterns. Eradication of animals and plants, which pose a threat to the existing of the eco system, is a noble idea that is facilitated by the National Park service.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Conclusion.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Conservation biology in the Galapagos is important because the work done by the Galapagos National Park to protect the biodiversity of the Galapagos Islands is unique. What to protect and the methods to be used depend on scientific knowledge and government back up. This will include careful study, research and interpretation of existing data on wildlife. The funding requested will be required to help local residents to become a leader of their own future. Without the necessary research, awareness, funds and dedication provided by the Galapagos Conservation Trust, this valuable habitat and its unique wildlife will become a history.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The fact is extinction would be due to human intrusion. This adversely leads to loss of biodiversity. The consequences are loss of marine life and disappearance of native terrestrial animals and plants.   Many species of wildlife will be extinct, species that have been a pivotal point in the discovery of natural selection. The advancement of these studies that is so important to science will be lost. There are many species in Galapagos Islands that are not analyzed. The destruction of the sensitive ecosystem could destroy these species forever.   Apparently, tourism sector would be greatly affected this Island biodiversity becomes extinct. Tourism is growing at an enormous rate of 4% per year and is expected to continue at this rate. The need for support functions in the industry continues to provide significant job opportunities for the local residents. Indirectly, the national economy would be greatly affected hence currency fluctuation and instability.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   To avoid this disastrous situation, conservation biology should be addressed from all perspective. Reference: Sharon L. Spray, Karen Leah (2003) Revelation of species: Loss of Biodiversity Pg 34, Row man and Littlefield – Publisher The islands’ biodiversity, retrieved on 31st August 2007, available at  Ã‚ The Galapagos Islands, retrieved on 31st     August 2007, available at  Ã‚  Ã‚ Galapagos biodiversity vision, retrieved on 31st   Ã‚  August 2007, available at Unique biodiversity of the islands, retrieved on 31st  Ã‚   August 2007, available at  Ã‚ Galapagos conservation, available at  Ã‚   Environmental solutions, available at www.environment [3] [1] Tick- and flea-borne rickettsial emerging zoonoses File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat – View as HTML The rat flea, Xenop-. sylla cheopis, is the main vector of murine †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Not well characterized Molecular evidence of infection †¦ [2] zole, levamisole) of helminths coupled with improved man- †¦ effect on nematode. Four dilutions of each plant extract (0.5–2.0 mg/mL) available at [3]

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Tourism Operations Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Tourism Operations Management - Assignment Example Improvement in environmental planning and management in the destination including provision of environmental control measures and services such as monitoring and 'improving air and water quality, litter clearance, provision of waste recycling schemes, etc.'; Tourism is a key industry for UK with an annual turnover accounting for over 4% of GDP and with over 7% of the working population working in the sector. As per Department for Culture, Media and Sport (2004), UK is one amongst the top ten world tourism earners. More than 86% of England's tourism income comes from domestic visitors and the sectors that have contributed to the attractiveness of England for domestic tourists, and of Britain for overseas visitors include, transport, galleries, museums, theatres, heritage sites in public and private ownership, conference and exhibition venues, shops, pubs, clubs and restaurants. Positioning of UK as a important destinations rests on meeting and exceeding customers expectations. The priority areas identified by the Government are marketing and e-tourism, product quality, workforce skills, data and advocacy of the case for supporting the tourism industry. Buckingham Palace, the official London residence of Britain's sovereigns since 1837, is a prime tourist attraction. Although many of the official events and receptions are held by The Queen, areas of Buckingham Palace are open to visitors on a regular basis. ... Sustaining tourism enterprises; Prioritising markets that strengthen economic returns; Promoting the use of local products and integration with other sectors; Spreading tourism benefits and opportunities throughout the communities and Strengthening communication with visitors and local residents. The report cites the case of Buckingham Palace, efforts in place and those desired to improve the quality of tourism. Tourism in UK Tourism is a key industry for UK with an annual turnover accounting for over 4% of GDP and with over 7% of the working population working in the sector. As per Department for Culture, Media and Sport (2004), UK is one amongst the top ten world tourism earners. More than 86% of England's tourism income comes from domestic visitors and the sectors that have contributed to the attractiveness of England for domestic tourists, and of Britain for overseas visitors include, transport, galleries, museums, theatres, heritage sites in public and private ownership, conference and exhibition venues, shops, pubs, clubs and restaurants. Positioning of UK as a important destinations rests on meeting and exceeding customers expectations. The priority areas identified by the Government are marketing and e-tourism, product quality, workforce skills, data and advocacy of the case for supporting the tourism industry. Buckingham Palace Buckingham Palace, the official London residence of Britain's sovereigns since 1837, is a prime tourist attraction. Although many of the official events and receptions are held by The Queen, areas of Buckingham Palace are open to visitors on a regular basis. These include the State Rooms, open during the Annual Summer Opening in August and September, which during the 58 days of operation from 31 July to 26

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Virtual Teams Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Virtual Teams - Essay Example In this regard, the current discourse aims to discuss how the dilemmas of teamwork might be intensified in a virtual team. Likewise, as one is considered a part of a virtual team, the essay also aims to address the dilemmas that apparently exist when class assignments need to be complied with. Dilemmas of Teamwork in Virtual Teams A group or team is normally composed of members with diverse demographic, geographic, cultural, educational, and socio-economic backgrounds, and interact with each other for a specified time frame. These members utilize specifically essential resources and methodologies to achieve explicitly defined goals. The traditional dilemmas of teamwork are: (1) propensities for conflicts due to differences in opinions; (2) miscommunication due to cultural and language barriers; (3) delegation and performance according to roles and responsibilities; and (4) resolving conflicts and managing overall performance. In the Management Study Guide, a comprehensive analysis of virtual teams is presented in terms of defining their advantages and disadvantages; as well as in comparing them with traditional teams (Advantages and Disadvantages of Virtual Teams, 2013; Cascio, 2000). From the information, it was disclosed that the very nature of virtual teams according to levels (individual, organizational, as well as societal) actually contribute to conflicts due to differences in opinions, as well as the roles and responsibilities they play in the organization. In addition, since organizations support diversity and recruit employees from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds, there are more tendencies for virtual teams to encounter miscommunication due to language barriers. Likewise, virtual teams operate through a team leader, whose tasks were delegated by the assigned manager or supervisor. Further assigning responsibilities to team members, without comprehensive knowledge of their respective backgrounds and capabilites contributed to intensified chall enges. Finally, in virtual teams, the distance and varied time frames, make confict resolutions difficult. Managing the overall cohesiveness and performance of virtual team members are more difficult, as a result. . Concurrently, the disparity in geographic, cultural, socio-economic, and educational backgrounds of the members of virtual teams exacerbate potential challenges in terms of sustaining effective communication due to language barriers, distractions, disparities in time zones, and expertise or competencies on accomplishing the identified tasks. This dilemma could be intensified in the virtual team setting since the opportunity to accord immediate feedback and to resolve the dilemma through face-to-face interaction is not effectively provided due to the absence of authoritative leaders or managers who are instrumental in governance and effective management of a team. What dilemmas do you feel when you have to do class assignments as part of a team? In terms of class assignme nts that must be done as part of a team, in a virtual team setting, the dilemmas that are encountered are as follows: (1) insufficient time to get acquainted with each other during the group

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

An international expansion plan for Nestle Essay

An international expansion plan for Nestle - Essay Example At the same time, these business organisations have also been facing certain challenges, such as increasing competition from local as well as global business organisations, which has limited their ability to exploit the prospects existing in the potential foreign markets. Correspondingly, the business organisations engaged in conducting operations in the global context are required to develop appropriate international expansion planning in order to enter into new market segments and to avail the opportunities lying in the new market in the best possible manner. Developing ideal international expansion plan is therefore essential for ensuring long-term sustainability and success of the business organisations (Twarowska & Kakol, 2013). Correspondingly, this paper intends to develop an international expansion plan for Nestle, the American leading nutrition, health and wellness multinational company, for launching its lately introduced product, â€Å"Jamba All-Natural Energy Drink† in the Australian market.Expansion into a new market is considered to be the vital step for progression for every business as it not only provides an opportunity to gain more financial resources but also helps in expanding its brand awareness. Jamba All-Natural Energy Drink is considered to be one of the most renowned drinks in America which is manufactured in collaboration amid Nestle and Jamba. In this aspect, Australia has been selected as the market for expanding a line of business as it is amongst those countries which is regarded as one of the best markets for expanding a business that manufactures energy drink. From the evaluation, it has been revealed that Australia is an economically stable nation for business expansion and it provides ample opportunities for making sustainable progression with greater demand for energy drinks. However, there are certain key competitors that can pose a threat for the business. It is further determined that Jamba All-Natural Energy Drink c an leverage proper help from Australian Trade Commission to expand its business in the nation by locating prospective options. In summary, it can be affirmed that business expansion to Australia can facilitate Jamba All-Natural Energy Drink to establish its presence in global platform as well. A) A Description of the Product or Service The lives of today’s people are considered to be very hectic in comparison with how people lived decades ago. People tend to buy products that would help them both physically as well as mentally to cope up the increasing pressure in one’s personal and professional life. In this regard, energy drinks are considered to be one such product that tends to provide mental and physical stimulation to an individual. With the advent of globalisation and the growing adaption of energy drink

Monday, August 26, 2019

Article 1,2, &3 of the U.S. Contitution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Article 1,2,  of the U.S. Contitution - Essay Example This system of separating and sharing powers is also known as a system of Checks and Balances (Reitz, 2006). Each of the three branches of government has strictly defined powers and obligations, and each one of them is subject to be checked and restricted by another branch. For example, while the President has the right to appoint judges and departmental secretaries, the nominees should achieve the approval of the members of the Senate. Similarly, the Congress can pass any legislation, unless it is vetoed by the President. Also, the Supreme Court can declare a particular piece of legislation to be unconstitutional, but the Congress and the State governments have the power to amend the Constitution (Macey, 2006). It has to be noted that as a result of this system of checks and balances, governance is at times inefficient and ineffective. But thats by intent rather than by accident. By compelling the various branches to be accountable to the others, each branch is prevented from usurping much power and become dominant. Allocating governmental authority amidst three separate branches is also helpful in preventing formations that are strongly in favor of the national government, in which case it will easily overpower the individual state governments, leading to poor democratic results. But there are more subtleties to the constitution than what is obvious. Consider the following passage, â€Å"Governmental powers and responsibilities intentionally overlap. For example, congressional authority to enact laws can be checked by an executive veto, which in turn can be overridden by a two-thirds majority vote in both houses; the President serves as commander-in-chief, but only the Congress has the authority to raise and support an army, and to declare war; the President has the power to appoint all federal judges, ambassadors, and other high government officials, but all appointments must be affirmed by

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Who Owns History The Texas Textbook Controversy Essay - 1

Who Owns History The Texas Textbook Controversy - Essay Example The question on how history should be taught was brought to the limelight by the state of Texas. The Texas State Board of Education, in charge of the state’s curriculum, approved several controversial changes to be made to the textbooks in schools. The changes were included in the economic, social studies and history textbooks. These ‘improvements’ made by the education board emphasizes the Christianitys influence in the founding of America (Hutchins et. al. 652). The changes downplay the role of liberals and highlight the influence of conservative groups in American history. These changes, for the Texan board, seem minimal with no consequences on the American history, but the opposite is true. These small changes and tweaks in their curriculum seek to re-write the American history significantly for the students in Texas. Furthermore, the state of Texas is among the country’s biggest purchasers of History textbooks. This means that the changes in the Texan curriculum will slowly reflect in all schools throughout the country. They exclude the influence and existence of Thomas Jefferson, one of the country’s founding fathers. The Texan board excludes his influence on the Declaration of Independence and other vital legislation (Hutchins et. al. 653). Jefferson is not the only culprit of the Texan board; they further scrap off presidential runs of Ralph Nader and Ross Perot in their history books. There is a complete exclusion of the roles of Latinos and other races in America History. The changes implemented in the Texan History textbooks are endless, but it is heavily characterized by the conservative Christian influences. By changing and rewriting history of the state of Texas, the Texan board rewrote the world’s history. These changes made by the Texan board question the legitimacy of history and the appropriate way of teaching the subject. It is a universally accepted

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Male Bird Song Evolves in order to Attract a Female for Mating Research Paper

Male Bird Song Evolves in order to Attract a Female for Mating - Research Paper Example Further these qualities are also indicators of the physiological characteristics and genotype of the male partner and thus have high likelihood of influencing female choice. However the study of birdsong and its evolutionary significance in influencing female choice is yet at its infancy. Many new aspects are beginning to emerge. Deriving conclusions and making generalization at this stage would be inappropriate and inaccurate. MALE BIRD SONG EVOLVES IN ORDER TO ATTRACT A FEMALE FOR MATING INTRODUCTION Birdsong can be defined as long complex vocalizations produced mainly in breeding season (Catchpole & Slater, 1995). The best known birds in terms of their singing abilities are oscine birds, also referred to as passerines or perching birds. They belong to the order Passeriformes and are classified on the basis of their unique musculature of the syrinx or the vocal organ (Warner, 1972). In most of the temperate species of passerines, the males are exclusively the singers. The male bird sings either as a means of expression during male-male aggression or for attracting the female (Catchpole & Slater, 1995). ... BACKGROUND Communication is a primary requisite for functional ability. Humans must communicate to form relationships, fulfil their needs, organize and function. Animals communication is essential for food gathering, reproduction and survival; the three basic needs of all animals. However, unlike humans animals do not speak. In fact all animals possess their unique methods of communication (Hauser, 2000). Flowers send signals in form of fragrances and colour at the time of bloom to insects for pollination; meerkats communicate through scent, sounds and body language; lions communicate through body contact and sound, while birds communicate verbally through songs and coos (Rowe & Skelhorn, 2004). Communication systems, irrespective of nature and origin, comprise of two essential components: signal and tactical design. The signal is an important carrier of information from the sender to the receiver. In researches involving communication, study of nature of signal as an important deter minant of its goal is pursued (Rowe & Skelhorn, 2004). The signal evolution is in accordance with the function it is expected to perform. This is termed as strategic component of the signal (Guilford & Dawkins, 1991). Tactical design encompasses the properties of the communication determined by the transmission characteristics of the environment and the sensory and perceptual abilities of the receiver. To define the latter the term â€Å"receiver Psychology† was introduced by Guilford and Dawkins (1991) and was considered a significant determinant of the evolution of signals. Studies on bio-acoustics or animal sounds can be traced back to a research paper published by

Friday, August 23, 2019

Geographic Information Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Geographic Information Systems - Essay Example Natural catastrophes such as hurricanes can have devastating effects on the life and economic stability of any area hit. This has been experiencing more than once in America where lives and property have been lost and the government forced to spend so much on rescue and restoration mission. It is, therefore, a big relief that such a problem can be effectively solved through GIS and thus reduce the loss or avert the danger as a whole. As mentioned earlier, GIS is all about collection and use of date. To solve the problem of the hurricane, several sets of data are necessary. First, the system must indicate the kind of problem expected, the specific time and region of the target and the population involved (Fu & Sun, 2011). This information will help in setting up a response plan and help evacuate the area if possible before the problem hits. The information will also help in alerting the authorities in time for mitigation measures (Singhroy, 2003). Secondly, the problem will also require information on the accessibility of the area, geological structure, weather pattern and hence the possible route of the hurricane in relation to the prevailing winds (Goodchild, 1996). In all these situations, the GIS provided vital information on the location, scale and possible effects of the hurricane on the people and the structures. Using the maps, the rescuers can locate the problem and even trace a safer route to evacuate the people and reach to them during the rescue operations (Goodchild, 1996). Further, the information also notifies the authority on the crisis that can result from the hurricane if it reaches the power plants. I believe that the development of the GIS is a welcome technological input to solving both natural and manmade problems. Using the information so developed, the danger is either evaded or the destruction

Los Angeles book festival Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Los Angeles book festival - Essay Example One of the most important reasons for the enormous success of Los Angeles was the development of railroads in the city. This was the period of time when railroads from the Eastern part ultimately reached the city of Los Angeles. Another major reason for the exponential growth was the fact that the city’s population doubled during the end of 1800s and tripled during the beginning of 1900s (Schmap, Inc, 2009). Los Angeles is considered to be a good place to hold book festival because the scope and importance of higher education in the city is huge. According to the US census reporting of the year 2000, the number of elderly population during the period grew enormously when there was typically low achievement of education. However, pertaining to this situation, the number of highly educated students gradually enhanced. This is because the elderly population was definitely followed by young students who could be considered to be more educated than the former population. With due passage of time, the diplomas and degrees also got enhanced along with the enhancement of the educated population within the country. The rate of growth was so enormous that it outperformed the growth in the number of overall national population (Census Scope, 2000). Fortunately, during this period, the number of population was enhancing in Los Angeles as also mentioned earlier. The organizers of book festival overv iewed this situation as an opportunity of promoting education. This is the reason as to why Los Angeles is considered as a good place to hold book festivals. Along with book festivals, during the past also, a number of other festivals were organized within the city and the festivals were conducted successively. The list of festivals were inclusive of a number of festivals depicting cultural and ethnic values along with major events of sporting activities and arts, music and entertainment. The book festivals are specifically held in University of Southern

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Schools as Organisations Essay Example for Free

Schools as Organisations Essay Schools have policies and procedures so that the governors, staff, parents and others who are involved with the running of the school, are able to work from a set of guidelines which are followed by all, which gives clear comprehensive consistency. There are a lot of different policies relating to all different aspects of procedures and should be accessible should they need to be referred to. Although each school will have there own set of policies with varying titles or a slightly different list, each will need to outline its purpose and aims and also the responsibilities of staff. Below is a summery of the policies and procedures schools may have relating to different aspects of the running of the school; Staff Performance management policy (appendices 26) Pay policy Grievance policy Public welfare Safeguarding policy (appendices 11) Health and safety policy Drugs awareness policy Behaviour management policy Personal, social, health and economic education policy Anti bullying policy Teaching and learning Curriculum policy (appendices 15) Early years policy Teaching and learning policy Planning and assessment policy Marking policy Equality, diversity and inclusion Equal opportunities policy Race equality and cultural diversity policy Special educational needs policy Gifted and talented policy Disability and access policy Parental engagement Attendance policy (appendices) Homework policy Home-school agreement All policies within the school should be revised and updated. It is most likely that all policies will be dated and also have a further date to be revised. To help to aid schools there are draft policies available on the internet as this can be a very time consuming process to draw up a policy. It would be dependant on the school policy itself to who would draft the policy up depending on the schools senior management team or person responsible for a curriculum area (eg such as literacy co-ordinator). This would then be checked by other staff during a staff meeting. It would also need to be agreed by the governing body before it can take effect. Below is a table to show the roles of other organisations working with children and how these may impact on the work of schools; OrganisationDescription Social ServicesSocial services will link with schools in cases where it is necessary to share information or prepare for possible court hearings or applications. They may also liaise with schools family worker or have meetings with teachers. Children’s ServicesThese are linked to the 5 outcomes of Every Child Matters, but may be from a range of providers including education, health, social services, early years and childcare. Youth ServicesThese will have more impact on secondary schools but will be concerned with training and provision post-14, the Youth Matters programme and targeted youth support. National Health ServiceMany professionals who come into and work in schools may be employed by the National Health Service and Primary Care Trust, including speech therapists, physiotherapists and  occupational therapists. It is everyone’s responsibility to be mindful of themselves and others. E. g. Not leaving coats and bags where they can tripped over, No trailing wires, if something is spilled clean it up to avoid hazards and if something can be seen that it a potential health and safety risk, either do something about it if it’s within our control or report it to the appropriate contact if it is not and make sure the situation is safe in the meantime.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Disadvantages of Unclean Environment

Disadvantages of Unclean Environment Air polluted by many ways such that chemical gases, traffic, factories and global warming etc. Mostly air is polluted by chemicals uses. Usage of poison sprays on crops makes the air polluted. Such gases cause the pollution of air. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are nontoxic gasses, nonflammable chemicals containing atoms of carbon, chlorine and fluorine. They are use manufactured of aerosol sprays, blowing agents for foams and packing materials as solvents, and as refrigerants. CFCs are classified as halocarbons, a class of compounds that contain atoms of carbon and halogen atoms. Individual CFC molecules are labeled with a unique numbering system. For example, the CFC number of11 indicates the number of atoms of carbon, hydrogen, chlorine and fluorine (e.g. CCl3F as CFC-11). The best way to remember the system is the rule of 90 or adds 90 to the CFC number where the first digit is the number of carbon atom(C), the second digit is the number of hydrogen atoms (H), and the third digit is number of the fluorine atoms(F). The total number of chlorine is calculated by the expression: Chlorine=2(C+ 1)-H-F. In the example cfc-11 has one carbon, no hydrogen, one fluorine, and therefore 3 chlorine atoms. Whereas CFCs are safe to use in most application and inert in lower atmosphere, they do undergo significant reaction in the upper atmosphere or stratosphere. In 1947, two University of California chemists, Professor F. Sherwood Rowland and Dr. Mario Molina, showed that the CFCs could be a major source of inorganic chlorine in the stratosphere following their photolytic decomposition by UV radiation. In addition, some of the released chlorine would become active in destroying ozone in the stratosphere. Ozone is a trace gas located primarily in the stratosphere. Ozone absorbs harmful ultraviolet radiation in the wavelengths between 280 and 320 nm of the UV-B radiation reaching the Earths surface. Chlorine released from CFCs destroys ozone in catalytic reactions where 100,000 molecules of ozone can be destroyed per chlorine atom.In Antarctica a whole depletion is produce due to destroy of ozone layer. Ozone in lower sphere creates the pollution but on the top sphere it prevents the UV r ays and radiation to the earth from sun. These rays are also producing the air pollution. Carbon monoxide is highly poisoned gas. With cigars and cigarettes the CO produced is inhaled by the smoker and combines with the smokers blood to form car boxy hemoglobin.. Carbon monoxide is a by-product of combustion, present whenever fuel is burned without enough oxygen. It is very dangerous for life. It does about 0.5% quantity can be causes of death. It is very danger for environment. Carbon monoxide is produce by burning. It produces 75.7% from transport, 10.6% from burning of (vegetation, wood), and 2.4%from iron steel mill and other from domestic. Its more quantity produce from traffic. It produces most from by burning of things. CO is a main factor of air pollution. Vehicles are a big source of CO. CO2 has great effect on air pollution. CO2 is a byproduct of combustion, present whenever fuel is burned in the presence of oxygen. It is badly effect on the environment. It is collect and makes thick layers which cause the heating. CO2 is also effect on the human life. Smog is p olluted the air. Smog is the mixture of some gasses with S gas. This is a dangerous for environment. It produces the dangerous disuses. Transport is unique whish spread maximum air pollution. Smoke evolved from cars polluted the air 75.7%. About three quarter parts air pollution produce by smoke of car. This smoke creates many problems. Maine reason of air pollution is transport. Effect on environment: Pollution has badly effect on environment. For living the good life need clean environment. For clean environment it must be that pollutions should be minimize. For human life it must be that air should be pure. Due to air pollution other pollutions are create. Air pollution is badly effect on everything. Air pollution disturbs the life of all species. Air pollution creates the much disuse and other problems. Such problems are so difficult. Disadvantages: Disuses; Air pollution effects on human life so bad. Much disuse is produce by air pollution. Due to air pollution ozone layer effect which protect the ultraviolet rays from sun. Ultraviolet rays are coming from sun to the earth from hole of ozone layer. These rays are very harmful. From these rays produces serious disuse. Cancer is a horrible disuse. It is a serious problem for human. Its treatment is so expensive that a poor cannot bear its expensive. It reached the person to the valley of death. At the end stage a person dying. Such rays can also produce the eyes and skin disuses. Eyes disuses are horrible disuses. Smoke is produce breathing disuses. It also effect on the lungs. By this pollution human lives become difficult. A sick man nothing perform then that of healthy person. Disuses make the person lazy. Acid rain: Acid rain is very harmful for the environment. Acid rains produce by air pollution. Most dangerous chemicals already present in air. When it is raining then many gasses are in air mixed with rain water. In the air N2O, Chlorine, Nitrogen, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide are already present. After their reaction with rain water they get form of acid. This rain is called acid rain. Such chemicals mixed and appeared in the form of acid. Acid is affected badly on the environment. It produces the skin disuses. It damaged the buildings material. It is effect on the plants. One tree produces the oxygen for 36 children. It is very effect on the environment. Plants reduced the pollution but it effect on the plants. It makes the soil acidic which effect on the crops, planting and trees. Growth of craps reduces. Acidic soil cannot produce a good quantity of wheat. It affects the buildings color and other material. Acid rain is the source of other pollution. This acidic water mixed with river it effect on the sea creature. So that from acid rain water pollution takes place. Water is necessary for human life this water can also absorbed by land. Overcome on the air pollution: For healthy and a good life environment should be must clean. Garbage should be disposed of properly. Surrounding should be clean. Pure air is necessary for the good health. Forests are very important. For pure air should be more plantings. Without air life is nothing. Planting is unique source to overcome the air pollution. Much is planting. Plants absorbed the CO2 and many other gasses. It rains mostly due to plants. Fore clean environment pure air is must be required. Air pureed by plants. Forbid to cuts the trees and forest. A government should be band on cutting the plants. Government should support the scheme of planting. Trees where control the pollution they are also much useful. Traffic should use the low for the traveling. Use the good quality of engines that evolved the minimize smoke. Overcome the smoke. It has poisoned gas like CO and CO2. These gasses has main rule to pollute the air. People should travel on local transport. They should act upon the traffic rules. Smoking is the main source of pollution. Factories use the electricity instead of burning thing. There smoke is highly toxic. So factories use properly. Trains are derived by electricity instead of engines. They do something for improvement the environment. Overall reduce the using of those things which causes the serious problem.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Local Economic Impact From Mega Events Tourism Essay

The Local Economic Impact From Mega Events Tourism Essay In this section, the researcher will present the reason for the selection of this topic. An introduction about mega sporting events, the research questions, its aims and objectives, the literature review, theoretical rationale, methodology, its limitations and followed by a short summary will be written in this proposal. As the researcher in writing is much more familiar with the Singapore economy, the research would be based on the local market, which would be the Singapore Formula One Grand Prix. Roche (2000) describes mega-sporting events as large-scale cultural (including commercial and sporting) events which have a dramatic character, mass popular appeal and international significance. They are typically organised by variable combination of national governmental and international non-governmental organisations. This describes that such events should attract viewers and media representatives from all over the world and that the host city or nation should experience alterations to the regular cycle of events. The hosting of sport events in particular has showed a number of potential benefits. Potential benefits such as investments, advertising, tax generation, revenue generation, enhanced community image, job creation, positive spiritual earnings, health and fitness, promotion of sport, creating local amusement, creation of new infrastructure, improvement community pride, urban redevelopment, increased tourist flow, according to Daniels and Norman (2003), and Kim et al. (1998). Research Question This research explains how mega-events like Singapore Formula One Grand Prix affects the local economic impact and the strategies adopted. The research is classified under the following question where in this report; the researchers effort will be concentrated on giving insights on this research question. How do managers use strategic analysis tools on a mega-event such as F1? Aims and Objectives The aim of this research is to discuss the impact of strategic analysis tools used on mega-events, on how events such as Formula One is marketed to the beneficial of Singapores local economy. Thus, the researcher will be aiming to attain the following objectives: To identify the different strategic analysis tools used for economic impacts. To develop an understanding on how these strategic analysis tools are placed on to mega-events. To discover the influences from strategic analysis tools on mega-events such as Formula One. To examine the effectiveness of the strategic analysis tools impact on Formula One. Literature Review Mega-events such as Formula One have the ability to attract large numbers of visitors and their expenditure, which is often sought after by local tourism agencies because of their actual potential to contributing to tourism marketing and development. An important fundamental that government bodies put forward to hosting a mega-sports event is the perceived economic benefits that the event creates (Porter, 1999). It is usually claim that mega-events, such as the Formula One Grand Prix, give an incentive to business resulting in economic benefits generated which are greater than the costs, including public funding, from hosting the event. Sports entrepreneurs or government bodies typically engage consulting agencies to outline an economic impact report (Johnson and Sack, 1996). Regardless of the mega-sports event, such reports from consulting agencies normally claim a huge positive economical impact. However, there are a lot of criticisms in the academic literature on the effectiveness of these economic impact analyses. Matheson (2002; 2006) points out that many (event-sponsored) studies overstate the economic impact on local communities and Porter (1999) states that the envisioned benefits of public spending never occur. This explains that the future prospects of hosting such mega-events are worse off for developing countries and the opportunity cost of providing up-to-date facilities are greater and the need of modern infrastructure required poses a major further investment. 4.1 Impact of Events Mega events can help re-prioritise urban agendas, create post event usage debates, often stimulate urban redevelopment, and are instruments of boosterish ideologies promoting economic growth (Hiller, 2003, p. 449). Thus, these offer an extensive range of potential positive and negative impacts for host destinations and are both short- and long-term. Even though now there is significant competition between destinations, there is still significant gaps between the experience of mega-events in developing and advanced societies, between economic and non-economic outcomes. Mega-events should be part of a long-term developing and marketing plan. The hosting of mega-event can play a critical role in marketing or branding a host destination and be part of a long-term development or positioning strategy. It is important for the marketing opportunity sought from hosting a mega-event to be seen as part of a longer term strategic marketing plan for the destination as opposed to a one-off marketing event (Jago, Dwyer, Lipman, Vorster, 2010, p.231). If a host destination has a development plan in place, the hosting of a mega-event can perform as a catalyst to bringing forward future development opportunities. In this case, this often brings in merit in creating an on-going suite of events that utilises the infrastructure built for the mega-event and enhance the reputation and profile of the host destination over time. In order to formulate a plan for both short- and long-term event outcomes, the organizing committee must consider various event leveraging strategies to be adopted. (OBrien and Chalip, 2007). The leveraging perception is implicated with planning ahead of the event so that a host city can improve and maximize positive impacts such as increased business, tourism and social aspects and benefits Chalip (2004, p. 245) explains that a strategic management process must be formed and implemented in order to properly leverage the opportunities from hosting an event. Strategic analysis tools such as SWOT analysis, PEST analysis, Porters Five Forces analysis and Value Chain analysis are appropriate for the evaluation of event leveraging or marketing strategies. The following section will examine what the natures of the said four analysis tools entails and how it is applied to a strategic management process for the organization to host mega-events. 4.2 SWOT Analysis SWOT analysis is whereby an approach to analyze the aspects of the external environment, in order to identify and establish the most attractive or suitable course of action in terms of strategic decisions to be used. In the sport context, Shank (2009) found that the strengths and weaknesses are manageable elements within the establishment (in this case a host city) that may influence the objectives of the strategic management process. In this case, conducting a SWOT analysis is deemed helpful for host destinations as it can provide event organizers to recognize how the strengths of their country or city can be matched with opportunities that exist in the environment, and useful insights to leverage the benefits of the event. A brief example of a SWOT analysis on Singapore Formula One Grand Prix can be seen in Figure 1. C:UsersNoWaKiDesktopSWOT table.png Figure1 4.3 PEST Analysis PEST analysis is a useful strategic tool for understanding market growth or decline, business position, potential and direction for operations (Roumboutsos, Chiara, 2010). It understands the political, economic, socio-cultural and technological of the business environment and event managers can use PEST to scan the environment and adjust their plans to minimize threats and capitalize on opportunities. In the context of Singapores Formula One, brief examples of PEST analysis can be seen as: Political Seen as a Public Private Partnership (PPP) between the public and private sectors. Economic A stable and growing economy, translating to high consumer confidence and increase in spending Social Lack of racing events in Singapore, thus the idea of Formula One will be well received by the society. Technology Singapore ranked 2nd place of World Class IT Infrastructure by the World Economic Forum in 2011. 4.4 Porters Five Forces Analysis Porters (1980) five forces framework models the five most significant competitive rivalry forces in an industry in order to determine that industrys profitability. This serves as a proxy for the magnetism of the industry for potential entrants and determines the industries profitability. The five forces are: rivalry between competitors in the industry, bargaining power of suppliers, bargaining power of consumers, barriers to entry and threat of substitutes. Thus, in the case of Singapore Formula One, examples can be seen in Figure 2. C:UsersNoWaKiDesktopUntitled.png Figure 2 4.5 Value Chain Analysis Value Chain analysis defines each activity that takes place in a business organization and relates them to an analysis of the competitiveness in the environment.  It is based on the principal that firms (or events) exist to create value for their customers and helps to identify new business opportunities. The value chain analysis includes a couple of significant theoretical distinctions, one being between primary and support activities (Porter, 1985). Primary activities create value for the customer, whereas support activities support primary activities and indirectly affect customer value. Competitive advantage involves signification and interpretation on the activity cost behavior drivers and differentiation generated by those activities. Product differentiation in turn effects what customers are willing to pay for the firms products, thus depending on the activity cost drivers leading to the end product. A simplified table used on Formula One can be seen in Figure 3. C:UsersBenjamin PhoonDesktopUntitled.png Figure 3 Theoretical Rationale Leveraging mega-events such as the Formula One can offer incentives and benefits to a host destination, relating to cultural insights, development of collaborations and improved organizational networks (Kellet et al., 2008). In order to successfully leverage the event, strategic analysis tools such as SWOT, PEST, Porters Five Forces and Value Chain Analysis associated with hosting the event can provide valuable knowledge to host destinations. Analysis of weaknesses in the operating environment, such as economic stability and political support (Shank, 2009) can also offer valuable insights for event managers and tourism providers to plan on how the host destination can reap the benefits from the sport event (OBrien and Chalip, 2007). However, mega-events can lead to an entryway to under-utilized infrastructure and debts. Jones (2001) argues that the justifications in the use of public funds are based on the economic benefits that are often overstated. The case of Montreal 1976, where they experienced a tremendous debt after hosting an event, which cost the country and its residents over CAD$2 billion in capital and interest cost (Whitson and Horne, 2006). Therefore, the selection of Strategic Choice Theory and Stakeholder Theory would be appropriate for this rationale. Stakeholder theory (Freeman, 1984) focuses the organizations efforts on developing a firm that has to deal with a multitude constituent groups other than customers and shareholders. Stakeholders groups represented are both legitimate and powerful, thus this approach seeks to widen the vision of a marketing manager, of his/her duties, rather than just being profit and customer oriented (Mitchell et al., 1997). Stakeholders are distinguished into two categories primary and secondary. Managing both primary and secondary stakeholder relationships is critical and essential for the marketing organization in achieving marketing objectives. Strategic analysis theory contends that marketing managers plays an exceptional role in a marketing firms success or failure in the market, with other factors such as product development and market repositioning efforts (Child, 1972). Strategic decisions made by managers are often made with careful considerations for the marketing firm as the primary driver, where they are able to adopt a specific type of strategy that fits their main marketing competencies. Strategic choices geared to the accomplishment of achievable strategic objectives are more likely to be effective through an open managerial decision- making process (Harrison and Pelletier, 1998). With the inter-relationship between stakeholder and strategic choice theory, stakeholders (e.g., customers, media, and shareholders) will have an influence and affect on marketing managers strategic decision making on the nature of the situation (Jawahar and Mclaughlin, 2001). A clear role of stakeholders is that they can provide necessary and vital information and if well captured by marketing firms, would lead to better organizational performance in decision making (Mori, 2010). A simple model of the process of decision making can be seen in Figure 4. C:UsersBenjamin PhoonDesktopUntitled.png Figure 4 Managers would use strategic analysis tools to measure the strengths and opportunities from stakeholders to hosting a mega-event, in this case, Formula One in Singapore and make strategic choices within constraints. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the impact of what can be classed as a major sporting event of international recognition and its implications from the perspectives of government officials, private businesses and local residents. Furthermore, sports events research has lacked exploratory findings to qualitatively examine how it impacts on the local economy. Hence, the following research will utilize a qualitative approach to begin developing an understanding of how mega-events such as Formula One would impact on the local economy using strategic analysis tools. This research will offer a basis for future qualitative research and provide relevant information to future researchers studying strategic analysis tools to evaluate and identify data relevant to strategy formulation mainly on mega-events. Research Methods The researcher will undertake a case-study and secondary data approach. This study will only be analyzed by a qualitative approach and thus, the researcher will conduct a case study based on qualitative findings. Qualitative research focuses on the gathering of more richer and in-depth data from other smaller samples (Kent, 1999). Case Study According to Yin (1984), case study research method is defined as an empirical inquiry that explores a contemporary phenomenon and the real-life context in which it occurred; when the boundaries between phenomenon and context are not clearly palpable; and in which several sources of evidence are used. The approach of a qualitative case study is to research and assists examination of an occurrence within its context and to compare using a wide range of data sources for research validity (M. Dooley, 2002). This will ensure that the focus is not explored through a single view, but a variety of views which allows for various facets of the event to be exposed and understood (Baxter Jack, 2008). Secondary Data Secondary sources will be mainly used to collect and utilized to gather qualitative data related with this research. This is especially helpful as the researcher lives in Singapore and could not acquire data of market situations from other countries holding mega-events such as Formula One. In this case, different research reports, books, electronic journals and web portals will be accessed to gather information from these sources to conduct the study of the available secondary data. Data Analysis Firstly, after collating data from secondary sources and case studies, the researcher will read and transcribed all collected data to get a general sense as a whole and ideas presented. It is crucial to take into consideration the value of the data before analysing as it may not be significant to the research. Next, the researcher will identify areas to be covered and what is to be achieved based on the aims and objectives of the research by focusing on the analysis. In this case, the researcher can focus on the analysis by comparing the data collected from various case studies and secondary sources in a qualitative perspective, in which theoretical statements and causal relationships are clearly developed from and grounded in the phenomena studied (Cumberbatch, 2004). Thus, this leads to the use of Grounded Theory where it provides a mix of flexibility and structure with unambiguous guidelines, where the researcher will adopt the usage of coding. Coding is a method of constant comparison which led to the founding of Grounded Theory on the conceptualisation of data (Jones, Keifilik and Zanko, 2005). There are three steps of coding in analysing data collected. Opening coding is about understanding and to have a constant comparison of data collected that would be fractured into conceptual codes. In this case regarding to case study methodology, the researcher may categorise factors of economic impacts from mega-events into codes such as social, environmental, strengths, benefits, etc. The next step after data has been fractured, axial coding would be used. It is the process of exploring new relationships among the data and to discover any connections between them (Warburton, 2012). The final step would be selective coding, whereby it involves picking of certain codes to construct and integrate them with the listed categories in the axial coding model as part of the approach to developing a grounded theory (Strauss and Cobin, 1998). Limitations One of the main limitations is that an independent empirical process research is not being employed due to restrictions of organizations being reluctant to provide accurate data as some sports that host mega-events are naturally secretive. F1 is heavily technologically driven; therefore the release of information is seen as a pejorative to the sport. Reliance can only be placed upon the accuracy of data provided from external sources such as case studies and mainly secondary data. However, this issue will be minimized through the approach of identifying as many different reports as possible and cross-referencing them. Timeline The Gantt chart in the appendix section will be showing the estimated time needed for each process up till the submission of the dissertation itself. Conclusion In conclusion, the researcher will use a qualitative research methodology to have a better understanding and insight of the local economic impact of mega-events, using Formula One as the key event to the research. With the study on strategic analysis tools, the researcher will be able to find out how marketing managers analyse the economic situation and make strategic decisions on for the success of leveraging mega-events. It is also vital that the researcher have an open mind without any biasness in order to obtain accurate data for the development of grounded theory while conducting this qualitative research. Nevertheless, information acquired for the research will hopefully formalize a grounded theory and to be used as guidance for future researchers and academics studying economic impact from mega-events using analytic tools, to have a better insight and build on in the future for improvement. Appendices C:UsersNoWaKiDesktopUntitled.png Planned Timeline/Gantt Chart of Dissertation

Monday, August 19, 2019

Reflex by Dick Francis :: Reflex, Dick Francis

Reflex is a classic book written by Dick Francis. This is the twenty-second book he has written. I have thoroughly enjoyed all of the novels he has written. This book is based on the life of a Photographer. The photographer’s name is Philip Nore, the book deals with the trauma a jockey has and how hectic his life is. In the first 50 pages of the book it deals with Philip being approached by his grandmother; (who he hates) and being asked by her to find her granddaughter. It also reveals that George Millace, a recently passed away photographer, has a secret black-mailing mystery and it is Philip’s job to uncover the Mystery. As you continue to read my reading logs I hope you will become interested in them and want to read the book for yourself. Pages 50 to 100 deal with Philip investigating the mystery and finding the granddaughter. In my opinion I think that these pages were the most boring and monotonous I have read in the whole book. However it has some high points in it. For example when Philip uncovers the first clue which is a picture of two people talking, in a cafà ©. This is quite exciting for Philip until he discovers who are the two men in the picture and what are they talking about. This comes as quite a surprise to everybody even myself the reader and Philip has a hard time deciding whether or not to tell his George Millace’s wife. This is a hard decision for Philip because he knows that Mrs. Millace has been recently devastated by her husband’s death. I find this to be particularly interesting, and it is parts like these that make me want to read on. My reflections on this section are all positive. This was by far the most interesting section and difficult. Philip the main character is faced with more difficult decisions and I find these decisions to greatly affect the outcome of the book.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Do Primates Posses Culture? Essay -- essays research papers

Writing Assignment One--Do primates posses culture?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I think that if culture is defined as learned behavior, than it is reasonable to say that primates posses a form of culture. Primates have been observed making tools to aid in collecting food and developing communication system, both of which are learned behaviors.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It is common in monkeys, apes and humans that behavior and social organization aren’t necessarily programmed into the genes. There have been several cases where an entire troop has learned from the experiences of just a few. In a group of Japanese macaques, for example, a three-year-old female female developed the habit of washing dirt of of sweet potatoes before she ate them. First her mother, and then peers and then the entire troop started washing their potatoes too. Another macaque troop has a similar experience when a group of dominant males learned to eat wheat. Within an hour, the practice had spread throughout the entire group. Changes in learned behavior seem to spread more quickly from the top down than from the bottom up.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  For monkeys as for people, the ability to learn is a tremendous adaptive advantage, permitting them to avoid fatal mistakes. Faced with an environmental change, primates don’t have to wait for a genetic or physiological response, since learned behavior and social patterns can be modified.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The extensive usage of too...

The Role of Cleopatras Children in Defining Her Character :: Egypt History Queen Essays

The Role of Cleopatra's Children in Defining Her Character Abstract There are few roles that Cleopatra has not been made to fulfill. She is queen, goddess, lover, whore, wife, witch. Yet it is her role as mother that most defines how she is to be perceived, and which of these other roles she will take on in a given work of literature. Cleopatra's children, or the absence of them, play a definitive role in characterizing Cleopatra. When Cleopatra is childless, she acts like a child herself, either petty and selfish or so deeply in love that she ignores all else. When she has children, however, her role as mother extends far beyond her actual offspring and encompasses all of Egypt. Her protectiveness of her children is used to mirror her protectiveness of Egypt-if she is a good mother than she is also a good queen. Whether she is a good mother, a bad mother, or no mother at all is used by every author or director to characterize Cleopatra as a woman and as a symbol. The Total Absence of Children Cleopatra's childlessness in literature and film is meant to allow her to be viewed as childish herself. Egypt is of little importance to her. She cares deeply only for love and pleasure, or for nothing at all. Not only is she not yet a queen, but she may never be. In Bernard Shaw's Caesar and Cleopatra, Cleopatra is both chronologically and mentally a child. Not only do she and Caesar not have children together, they do not even have a sexual relationship. Shaw "makes Cleopatra, who was probably about nineteen or twenty when Caesar arrived in Egypt, into an emotionally and intellectually retarded sixteen year old who pouts and prattles...peeping out from behind her nurse like a bashful toddler" (Hughes-Hallet 252). In order change Caesar from a lover into a father-figure, Shaw turns Cleopatra into a helpless but petty infant; he glorifies Caesar's character at the detriment of Cleopatra's. After her altogether pointless and foolish carpet scene that actually costs the lives of Roman soldiers, Caesar says to a scared and clinging Cleopatra, "My poor child, your life matters little here to anyone but yourself" (Shaw 84). Not only is Shaw's Cleopatra childish and indifferent to the plight of Egypt, but she is completely useless. Even Caesar, with whom she has the closest relationship to in the play, who takes on the role of a father, does not really care whether she lives or dies.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

My Neighborhood Cultural Experience

Running Heading: NEIGHBORHOOD CULTURE My Neighborhood Cultural Experience Carol Salinas Kaplan University HU300-09 Abstract I have had a great opportunity to look at some of my town’s most incredible architecture, paintings, murals, and sculptures. Our family has lived here for over six years now and I have had the pleasure to visiting our three local Native American Museums. I have always enjoyed going to them on occasion when I feel like just getting out by myself and having some quite time. My experiences in this class have opened my eyes to a new way of viewing the structures and art around me. I have chosen to discuss a building that I drive by on a daily basis, never really putting much stock into how it came to be or its significance to our town. I will discuss in detail the structure and the design of the facade. I have also chosen a piece of art that has been in my family since the early 1970’s. It is a sentimental painting that I am sure holds more heartfelt value than monetary worth. I see it every day as I walk in my home. It is truly a work of art. The beauty is in the eye of the beholder and most definitely in the eye of the visionary who created such beauty. My Neighborhood Cultural Experience Architecture During my field trip around my little town, I was amazed at all of the wonderful architecture that I had never taken notice of in the past. It was quite pleasing to see the amount of historical structures that are here in Anadarko, Oklahoma. Our town was established back in 1901 and holds quite a bit of Native American Indian Influence. This is relevant by the structures around town. I have chosen to discuss a building that was constructed in 1906 and is referred to as the Whitley Miller Building in the Anadarko downtown historical district (United States, 1990) (Exhibit A). The buildings address as listed in the historical registry is 125-129 W. Broadway, Anadarko, Oklahoma. This particular building is quite ornate in its structuring and was built in the Romanesque Revival style (Waymarking, 2011). It is divided up into three separate and distinct units or bays as they used to be called. The spaces between each unit are pilaster with round arch lintels of buff colored and red colored brick and a stone sill. It is a two-story building that has a stairwell up to the second floor. The stairwell is decorated with spandrels and pilasters. Two of the units display the names of their original occupants back in the day. The names read Max Goldman & Co. and Whitley Miller, which are inset in stone panels. The second floor has four double hung windows above each unit. These windows are accented by a fanlight transom. There is a wall-like barrier at the edge of the stone coping and a corbelled brick cornice on the roofline along with recessed panels. Each unit has its own personality and charm. They are accented with individual awnings, one is red cloth, another is metal, and then made of wood. Although the architects are unknown to me they seemed to have approached the design of this building as a painter or a sculptor would (Janaro & Altshuler, 2009). It is just amazing that something so old can still be in such magnificent condition. My Neighborhood Cultural Experience Art The art piece that I have chosen to discuss today is a painting that was painted in Manila, Philippines in 1962. The signature on this particular painting is not very clear and I cannot distinguish the artists’ name. I have included a picture of the painting (Exhibit B) as well as a close up of the signature (Exhibit C) in case you recognize it. This painting was a gift from my grandparents. They had become friends with many of the locals and befriended the artist. My grandfather saw the painting one day and asked if he could purchase it for his stepson. The artist graciously agreed. My grandfather and grandmother retired from the Air Force in 1972 and returned to the states bringing the painting home to my parents. After the passing of my parents, I have inherited the painting. It has become quite a conversation piece in our living room. The medium for this piece is oil on canvas. This is a representational painting of the Manila Bay at dusk. The use of chiaroscuro throughout this painting adds a sultry, almost lonely feeling to it (Janaro & Altshuler, 2009). You can see a shanty or shack sitting by the water and the boats are in from the days catch. There appears to be no one in sight. Everyone has gone home from a long and grueling day at sea. The water is calm and beautifully lit by the falling sun. The sky is an intense yellow and orange as the rays of the sun are hidden by the clouds. The perspective of this artist as it relates to his painting is amazing. When I look into the painting, I seem to be pulled into the landscape, as if I am sitting on a hill looking across at the beautiful sunset. A sense of calm comes over me. I can put myself right there just as a fisherman or his wife might be sitting outside after a good home cooked meal and relaxing after a tiering day on the water. References: R. P. Janaro & T. C. Altshuler (2009). The Art of Being Human: The  Humanities as a Technique for Living, ninth Edition. (pp. 105-130). New York: Longman. United States Department of the Interior – National Register of Historic places (1990). Retrieved December 17, 2011 from, http://pdfhost. focus. nps. gov/docs/NRHP/Text/82005385. pdf Waymarking. com (2011). Retrieved December 17, 2011, from http://www. waymarking. com/waymarks/WMCY7W_1906_Whitley_Miller_Building_Anadarko_OK

Friday, August 16, 2019

Mid Term Paper

All these outcomes are from â€Å"Suture† as Kaka Silverman mentioned in her chapter â€Å"Suture is the name even to the procedures by means of which cinematic text confer subjectivity upon their viewers†(Silverman) . There are three important tools that Kaka Silverman writing said we will need enable Suture to function are shot relationships, narrative progression and sexual difference, picked to focus on the sexual difference from those three tools . 1 am going to use two examples to explain more and how I see the suture works.They are the episode four from The Dick Van Dyke Show Bank book 6565696 and The Honeymooner season one episode one-TV or not TV the references show in this essay. These two shows are from the sass and the asses. We can easily find out social differences between the two time period, even thou they are only about 10 years apart from each other. First, the story line for The honeymooner is talks about the daily family life of a pair of couple Ralp h and Lisa. In this episode , Lisa want to buy a set of television.Ralph finally get one, but its sharing with his friend also neighbor,De. Even thou Ralph is the one who do not want to get it at first, he starts being the one who always watching the television set. Then De and Ralph start fighting against each other for the time using the television after he they bought the set of the television back. Then, the story that the episode of The Dick Van Dyke show is about Rob the husband accidentally found his wife Laura keep a private bankbook that have 378 dollars.In the 1 sass , 378 is a huge amount of money-That is the reason why Rob talks to his co-worker and discuss about the situation he is going through, and Rob thought Laura going to use those money to get a new projector as his birthday present . Turns out ,Laura only got Rob a sport shirt-Rob become really frustrated and want to know why Laura keep such a big secret from him. Rob asked and found out Laura wants to give him a egger surprise, she is saving to get Rob his dream car. Base on these two shows , I defined that Silverman argument works.Inside the shows , the female characters act as a object that displace negative values on to all the events happened to them. We can see that both Lisa and Laura , the female characters in side the shows are the person or the main reason cause the entire story happen or linked all the events together. Laura keep her own private money for getting Rob his dream car and Lisa wanted to get a new television set at home, but they are not the one that can made the decision. But can see a huge difference in two of the female character's personality.Lisa is the traditional wife that listen to his husband and Laura still depends on his husband but she can make her own decisions.. Women's position in the family have been a lot as the society also change when the time goes by. For example in the Honeymooner, Lisa was fixing the sink and do everything in the house and Rob is the one that can go bowling ,have fun with friends. In the other hand , Laura in The Dick Van Dyke Show is able to go out of the house and do shopping and Rob was the one who fixing the toaster and projector .We can easily notice that there is a change in a female character's role. According to Silverman in her chapter on â€Å"Suture†, the female character signifies the absence of the power ,privilege and they are not in control of their life. The women characters usually provide the mean for representing the deprivation, they also represents castration and attracts the sense of the viewer. (Silverman) We can easily find Out what Silverman mentioned in her chapter. The two female characters are housewife that have no income on their own , they need their husband to pay with most of the stuff they want to buy.For example, Laura need Rob to give her money to buy grocery, and Lisa can not buy herself a television set without Rally's permission. This can also prove what we have said as the time move on , the role and power of the female character have been change. Not only like we mentioned , here we can see that the phallus that Laura have is a lot more than Lisa , we can notice that from how Rob and Ralph treat their wife. Ralph in the show is still the boss of the house ,he is in charge of all the money, but Rob is letting her wife to decide how she use the money.Suture operate often more in masculine, it create an exchange of lenses hat the male viewers and the male audiences. In the videos that we talk about here, audiences will easily sharing the same feeling and point of views with the male characters. As we see that we are going through the stories as the male characters are the narrator of the stories. Especially in the episode of The Honeymooner. Lisa was the one who wants to buy a television set at home in the very beginning but after they got the television ,we barely sees her using the television.Ralph and De were the people that fighting to use the sets through out the entire episode. It shows us a point that Silverman minted out , the female is used as an object that attract viewers senses inside the show. Silverman define suture is a process of sinking in and being pull into the screen. Through our eyes to negotiate to the world, be relax and absent absent to yourself. She mentioned about three important tools to enable suture to function. In the shows if there is anyone of the tool is missing , the suture will not function well because they are all neck to neck rely on each other .Suture is not only about sharing what the character sees , is also sharing the character's feeling, emotions and what they hear by transferring he television screen into your space. If the shot and reverse shot is missing , viewers will never see things from the character's eyes . They can only get the view from the third person, then the viewer can never be stand in a particular point of view that the character define what they see. The s ame result will come out if the narrative is missing. Let represent a big portion of the indispensable part of the system of suture† Silverman said. A production without narrative progression is like a person who walk around normally but without their brain function. Narration connected the entire tortellini as they have the energy to make the character more real, because it can made the viewer understand what the character wants and help them go through all the scenes. We can understand why people always get lost and confused in some shows that the narration is not fixed on one character.The audiences that both of the shows are geared toward are the house wife in the middle class family. As we know that in the 1 sass to the 1 9605, televisions started to become one Of a new breaking technology that spread among the people. Numbers of middle class family that have a television set increased in those years. Shows like The Honeymooner and The Dick Van Dyke Show are targeted to t hose middle class housewife that have nothing to do like the Lisa and Laura, the characters in those shows.The shows want them to be relax and absent of being themselves from their busy housework. In my opinion , I think both of the shows successfully utilize Suture. There are some shots in The Honeymooner make me recall what I normally did when I was watching television. For example, how Ralph and De fight for picking a television show to watch. Also, how we set all the food and drinks in a reachable distances, so that they do not have to walk around during itching the program. Mid term paper This opened up a whole new opportunity for the Europeans as the demands and the trade grew, Ships were departing from towns in Italy and Asia. Christopher Columbus discovered North American in 1492. Columbus sailed east from Europe trying to find a route to the east. He failed to Sal east because of the landmass that was In his way. Columbus believe he sailed to India because of the landmass and called the land the â€Å"West Indies† and the people he found there as â€Å"Indians†. This led to the exploration and overseas expansion to North America from Europe. The expansion grew as the growth of expanding trade grew out of Europe.The discovery of the New World took a rise as the transfer of plants, animal's food demanded the human population to expand. All these things that took place from 1000-1492 changed Europe forever. The demands in trade gave Europeans the opportunity for new forms of employment and ability to travel out of Europe for work. What were the major pr oblems facing American leaders during the asses? What were the main weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation? How did those weaknesses prevent the new government from dealing with the new nation's major problems?How did the Constitution of 1 787 alter the structure and operation of the national government to more effectively deal with those problems? This period was called the â€Å"Critical Periods†, it was a time right after the American Revolution war that took place in 1783. George Washington became the president of this time in 1789. After the war the economic problems just grew. The British navy destroyed most of the American ships and also taking over there flow of trade. The farmers suffered tremendously due to the army steeling from their farms in order to eat.Once the war was over in 781 the exports to Brittany was restricted, British created a law that prohibited trade with the remaining sugar colonies that were in the Caribbean. The articles of confederation wa s a document signed by all 13 original colonies that put together the united States of America. The confederation left most of the power to the state governments. The weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation was that the states could not be forced by the government to obey Its laws. Also It did not have the power to enforce any type of laws.The congress lacked the strong leadership and here was no system of national courts. In order for a change to be made to the with no army to protect the nation. Compare and contrast the northern, middle, and southern colonies by 1760. What experiences were unifying the colonies? How were the British colonies different from Spain's colonies? All three colonies had major differences in there economic activity and their culture. The resentment of the British held them together as they were suffering hard times as Brittany kept on restraining trade, shipping and manufacturing.The Northern Colonies was largely religious. Even though religion was pr acticed more in the Southern Colonies, a lot of people from the north were still very religious. Instead, there main focus was never on gaining wealth. The South was mostly agricultural and a big part of the workers were African American slaves. Tobacco was the main export of the Southern economy. In the Northern Colonies farming was usually Just done to provide Just for the family. The economy of New England, Northern, and colonies was based on the rivers and forests for the most part and the southern colonies were more focused on farming.There are only a people of similarities and differences in the colonies. People beginning a new life for themselves was a similarity both regions had. These regions were founded for many different reason including political freedom, religion, conquest and economy. The British colonies were recruited from farmers, artisans and tradesmen. Immigrants from other countries were welcomed. In the Spanish colonies it contained more soldiers, conquistadore s and mission Aries were the primary source of people. The farmers and traders come at a later date.The government for the English colonies allowed colonist to set up local governments and representative assemblies and to make sure to tax themselves as long as they did not take up arms against the crown. In the Spanish colonies they were governed by the crown appointed governors. The settlers had to obey the laws the king set since the settlers could make laws on their own. The religion for the English was mostly non-Catholics. The puritans in Massachusetts established an autocratic and restrictive religious leadership. For the Spanish colonies the settlers were restricted to Catholics.The people that protested ere persecuted and driven out. The economy on the British colony was rice, tobacco, timber and fish. The economic activities were farming, trading and also fishing. In the Spaniard colonies it was a more largely trading economy. It was controlled by the Spaniards and the boar d of trade. What major challenges did Americans face during the War for Independence, and how did they overcome those challenges and defeat Great Britain? The British always seemed unbeatable. During the previous 100 years, the British had enjoyed victory after victory from countries that were powerful like Spain and France.The odds never looked good for the Americans on this war. Brittany had the best military in the world, their soldiers were well fed, paid good money and also well disciplined. The British military was also very well equipped unlike the American. Funds were so much easily raised by the empire then by the continental congress. A lot of those funds were used to hire Hessian Mercenaries to fight of the Americans. The Americans always had a difficult time being able to raise enough funds to purchase the basic supplies most Indians sided with Brittany who promised them protection over their land.The downfall for the Brittany was that they were fighting a war that was f ar from home. Their supplies that they needed sometimes took months to reach their destination. The British objective for this war to persuade the American to give up their claims for independence. Americans were fighting for their rights, independence and liberty. The soldiers and the leaders were inexperienced but always seemed competent. This war was very expensive, this war gave Americans courage which gave Americans a favor. Describe and explain the roles played by loyalists, African Americans, women, andAmerican Indians during the Revolutionary War. How did the outcome of the war affect them? The principle is this was freedom which motivated the black slaves to join the Patriot or the British army. Proximally 5 percent of the American soldiers in the battle of Bunker Hill were black. They received the same pas as whites although they never held a high rank. The blacks in the war served in integrated units. An estimated 100, 00 African Americans died or were killed during the w ar. They thought the concept of using slaves in the army would mean that the economy would collapse without slavery.Women in the revolutionary war took many different roles. They were nurses, cooks and maids and sometimes even secret soldiers and spies. Many of the women nurses were camp followers, wives, daughters and even mothers of the soldiers. The most common role the women played were cooks, maids, laundresses and water bearers for the army. This was the first time women took a role in the war since these duties were reserved for male soldiers. Women were not allowed to serve in the military but they still served as secret soldiers. They would disguise themselves by cutting their hair and using masculine names to blend in.A lot of the motivation for Joining the army is unknown but most of these women were poor and needed to earn money for their families. They also worked as spies, most of the female spies worked as maids or cooks for the British and had a lot of insight about the movements, military plans and supply shortages and the deliveries. The loyalist supported the British. They were mostly older, educated and wealthier than most Americans. The life for the loyalist was difficult during the war. Loyalist who lived in the area that was being controlled by the patriots lost their businesses and moms.